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Sport - Biathlon Run

Sunday 17 November 2024
Opening hours on Sunday between 8 am and 4 pm.
Sport - Biathlon Run
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Parc des Coureilles
17180 - Périgny
5th session of Biathlon Run for our 5th year of activity with a new format, still in Périgny, approved by all during last year's event, still the Duo relay, and we're adding a 4-person relay.
New for the Adult and Relay formats, it won't be enough to be a good runner - you'll have to be a good shooter!
8 passes through the shooting range, 40 possible penalties!
9 loops of 900m, only one way to shoot, either prone or standing, choice pending.
A duo relay, for 4+5 loops, a quarter relay 2+2+2+3 loops.

7:30 Competitors' bibs open for training.
9:00 long: 9 runs + 8 shots
12h Teens: 3 runs of 900m + 2 shots - penalties in the form of a 20 sec time penalty
13h Kids: 3 run 550m + 2 shots - penalties in the form of 10 sec malus

2 p.m. Relays: DUO: 4 runs + 4 shots (and penalties) then 5 runs + 4 shots (and penalties)
Quartet: 2 runs + 2 shots for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd relays and 3 runs + 2 shots for the 4th.

A prize-giving ceremony for each run will be organized before the start of the next event.
The shooting range is accessible for training before each start, during the end of the previous event, subject to the advice of those in charge.
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13€ Adult Voir tous les tarifs
Périodes d'ouvertures
Sunday 17 November 2024
Opening hours on Sunday between 8 am and 4 pm.

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17/11/2024 - 17/11/2024
