Show - Yohann Lavéant - Le propre de l'homme
Comic Friday 14 February 2025 at 9 pm.
Show - Yohann Lavéant - Le propre de l'homme
Comédie La Rochelle - 18 rue Rambaud
17000 - La Rochelle
17000 - La Rochelle
Laughing is a human trait. Rabelais. Animals scream, humans laugh. But how and at what? Paradoxically, this laughter can evoke pigs, seals or hyenas.
We don't laugh at the same things, that's for sure. Yohann Lavéant updates and experiments with every possible style of humor on stage. Because once we know why we don't laugh at the same things, we can laugh together again.
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25€ One pricePériodes d'ouvertures
Friday 14 February 2025 at 9 pm.Infos pratiques
Animaux refusés
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14/02/2025 - 14/02/2025
One price