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Exhibition - Painting and sculpture

Modern/contemporary art Visual/graphic arts Painting Photography Sculpture Various arts From 28/08 to 25/09/2024, daily between 10 am and 7 pm.
Exhibition - Painting and sculpture
Hôtel du Château de Lagord - 123 avenue du Clavier
17140 - Lagord
In collaboration with the Hôtel du Château de Lagord, the Salon d'Arts Plastiques de La Rochelle organizes a permanent exhibition of painting and sculpture.
In August :
Ntifafa Nyakossi - Painter
Laëticia-May Le Guelaff - Sculptor
Sophie Boyer - Painter
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Périodes d'ouvertures
From 28/08 to 25/09/2024, daily between 10 am and 7 pm.

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Free entry.
