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Exhibition - 40 ans - 40 photos - Instantanés, instants d'années

Photography From 10/07 to 22/09/2024, daily.
Exhibition - 40 ans - 40 photos - Instantanés, instants d'années
Office de Tourisme - 2 quai Georges Simenon
17000 - La Rochelle
Les Francofolies and La Rochelle Tourisme present the exhibition 40 ans - 40 photos - Instantanés, instants d'années, to mark the festival's 40th anniversary.
Leafing through an album is always a moment of jubilation and nostalgia, of smiles and emotions... Especially if it's a family album! And our family is the Francofolies.
So we decided to reopen the chromatic novel of these forty years of musical and festive adventures, and select forty photos that, in their own way, tell the story of this journey through time.
Choosing these shots (which aren't) is always like giving up.
So yes, our preferences are necessarily personal, subjective and unfiltered. But these photographs, placed there like universal beacons on our life paths, are the reflection of an era, of musical tastes, a wide-angle vision of the evolution of our society that the song follows or precedes.

A look for eternity...

Yes, to look at a photo is to take the time to stop. The time to remember, to discover and to realize that it's often behind the apparent immobility of an image that our imagination is set in motion. So focus on backgrounds, backlighting and artistic blurs that transport us elsewhere.
Embark on this unprecedented journey through four decades of encounters, sharing and suspended moments that have made the Francofolies such a unique event.
Let yourself be carried away by our objective love for the depth of song of all the artists who have performed at the Francofolies de La Rochelle since 1985.

The Francofolies is the best festival of French songs, and here, there are no photos... but a beautiful exhibition.
Gérard Pont
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Périodes d'ouvertures
From 10/07 to 22/09/2024, daily.

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Animaux refusés

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Free entry.
