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Event - Fête des arts

Arts and crafts Decoration Modern/contemporary art Visual/graphic arts Painting Sculpture Various arts From Saturday 7 to Sunday 8 September 2024.
Event - Fête des arts
Divers lieux de Nieul-sur-Mer
17137 - Nieul-sur-Mer
This year marks the 14th edition of Fête des Arts.
+ More than 100 artists, 40 exhibition venues all over the city.
In 2024, it's all about optical illusions. You can lose yourself in the 150 illusions scattered around the town, on posters of all sizes.
You can also discover a trompe l'oeil crosswalk in the rue de Beauregard, which will be created in the week leading up to the festival.

A nod to René Magritte > find pieces of the "Decalcomanie" puzzle at exhibitors' booths.

Through this year's event, the entire municipality pays tribute to Valérie Devaud, its deputy for culture, who passed away prematurely in June. "This event was very important to her," explains Christophe David, the municipal councillor who took over from her on the culture commission. "Among her many projects was the Sentiers des Arts, a trail dedicated to the artists who have painted Nieul-sur-Mer. The Fête des Arts will enable visitors to discover 12 paintings by Gaston Balande located throughout the commune.
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Périodes d'ouvertures
From Saturday 7 to Sunday 8 September 2024.

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Free of charge.
