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Concert - Sortie de Résidence avec le Duo de l'Orme

Sunday 29 September 2024 between 6 pm and 7 pm.
Concert - Sortie de Résidence avec le Duo de l'Orme
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La Résidence des Indes - 74 chemin des Remparts
17000 - La Rochelle
Les Escales au Salon.
Artistic residency by Duo de l'Orme with Laurie Bourgeois & Baptiste Grandgirard.
The Duo de l'Orme's artistic project revolves around two key ideas: mixing ancient repertoires with modern repetitive music, and bringing together instruments from different eras, such as the sympathetic string quinton, soprano saxophone and recorders.

Their latest program, Bravade, featured the art of diminution, explained and shared with the audience. Leaving their artistic residency at the end of September, the duo will present new pieces and arrangements at this concert at La Résidence des Indes, the fruit of their latest research.
Laurie Bourgeois: It was while studying at the Pôle Aliénor in Poitiers, after obtaining a Master's degree in psychology at the University of Nantes, that Laurie Bourgeois met her future accomplice and friend. There, she obtained a DNSPM in modern violin, then another in early music, as well as her State Diploma as a violin teacher. It was through contact with inspiring personalities such as Marie Rouquié, François-Marie Drieux, Odile Édouard, Amandine Beyer, Patrice Fontanarosa and François-Xavier Roth at Les Siècles that she was able to continue refining and bringing to light her artistic research and personality.
Now on the road, she takes part in various projects with ensembles such as the Banquet Céleste, the Orchestre de Chambre Nouvelle Aquitaine and the Violons d'Aliénor trio, dividing her time between Renaissance improvisations and exhilarating 19th-century symphonies. It's with great pleasure that she takes part in this intimate duo, where each piece is chosen, set with a tailor-made arrangement and shared passionately with the audience.

Baptiste Grandgirard: He plays his saxophones and recorders on the streets and in your living rooms, indoors and out.
On the street, wandering or on stage, he plays in two Pictavian ensembles: LaBulKrack, a vast outfit with vibrant, orchestral compositions, and Pierres & fils, a whimsical and distinguished brass band, officiating in candy pink and blue overalls.
In your living rooms, churches or gardens, with the Duo de l'Orme, blending 16th- and 17th-century repertoires with instruments from other eras.
He is also a member of PoCollectif, an ensemble that brings together artists from all horizons around the theme of improvisation, and organizes the PocoFest improvised music festival in Poitiers.
A graduate of the Pôle Aliénor with a DNPSM and a DE in saxophone, he taught for several years in the dance department of the Poitiers conservatory, responsible for accompanying his students and their musical training. For him, transmission is a fundamental aspect of his profession, as dance takes on an increasingly important role in his relationship with the stage.
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25€ One price
Périodes d'ouvertures
Sunday 29 September 2024 between 6 pm and 7 pm.

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29/09/2024 - 29/09/2024
One price
